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CHR offers free IVF cycles to women who have mitochondrial diseases

In collaboration with researchers from The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, CA, CHR is seeking women with established mitochondrial diseases who are interested in participating in a study, which is seeking to develop treatments that prevent transmission of mitochondrial diseases into next-generation offspring. This fully funded study will cover all IVF cycle expenses and, if required, even travel expenses to and from CHR, located in New York City.

In addition, participants will be given the option to fertilize half of their oocytes (eggs) and freeze resulting zygotes for potential future clinical use, should it become technically feasible to genetically “correct” the disease-causing gene in embryos and such treatments are legally permitted. Those zygotes will be the private property of the study participants. The other half of the eggs will be used in the study.

If you know that you carry a mitochondrial disease and are potentially interested in participating in this very important study, please contact Ms. Jolanta Tapper, who can be reached at 212-994-4400 or via email at The study has been IRB-approved by Institutional Review Boards at both The Salk Institute and CHR.

Norbert Gleicher, MD

Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS

Norbert Gleicher, MD, leads CHR’s clinical and research efforts as Medical Director and Chief Scientist. A world-renowned specialist in reproductive endocrinology, Dr. Gleicher has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and lectured globally while keeping an active clinical career focused on ovarian aging, immunological issues and other difficult cases of infertility.

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