Success Stories


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Infertility & IVF Success Stories

Medically reviewed by Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS - Written by CHR Staff - Updated on Dec 21, 2015

Infertility treatment can be a long and stressful journey. We are providing these CHR infertility and IVF success stories to offer our patients hope during times of discouragement. These are real stories by CHR patients who have been in the same situations that you may be in today.

Sara's Fertility Journey


Ema's Fertility Journey


“The IVF process here was really easy for me. I didn’t feel any kind of pressure, which I think it really important for a patient”, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Senior Embryologist Emanuela Lazzaroni-Tealdi.


At CHR, every patient matters. By personalizing our extensive, research-based treatment plans for each patient, we have been able to succeed where other fertility centers have failed. Whether it's our years of experience, innovative research, or friendly staff, there are many reasons to choose CHR. But don't take our word for it. While our patients generally prefer to remain anonymous, the following patients have volunteered the essence of their CHR experience. The patient's success stories can offer a unique perspective on fertility care that is different from those of physicians, nurses or other healthcare providers. If you have a story you would like to share, please contact us.

I felt like a human at CHR who was given individual treatment

I came to CHR at the age of 40, after having tried to fall pregnant naturally. My AMH results varied widely within the short periods of being tested. I had previously been turned down at 38 for egg freezing at another fertility clinic due to high FSH levels.

At CHR I was diagnosed with premature ovarian aging (POA). My husband and I were advised I should begin IVF immediately. I was told I needed to act quickly and had no time to waste. Whilst the diagnosis seemed stark and bleak as I had always thought of IVF after 40 as a last resort. I was told that it was far superior to the other options available to me.

The doctors and nurses made the IVF, which could otherwise have been a stressful process, straightforward. Both the doctors and nurses were always available to answer questions no matter how inane they may have seemed. I received fast, timely responses to my questions. The instructions and advice I was given were easy to understand and follow. The staff were professional, warm and caring.

I particularly appreciated the fact that the doctors gave sufficient information and did not give false hope. I felt like a human at CHR who was given individual treatment rather than one of many in a factory-like fertility clinic.

The methods used at CHR are unique and innovative and I hadn’t heard or read about some of their techniques before. Thirteen eggs were retrieved and 4 were implanted. Then I became pregnant with one child. The obstetrician also praised the doctors’ work, saying the retrieval had left no scarring or cysts on my ovaries and the implantation was also done very well.

I would highly recommend CHR to anyone facing fertility challenges

-S. D.

A big thank you hug

Dear Dr. Kushnir, I cannot thank you enough for all your wonderful caring and guidance. Your patience, during our appointment, in explaining in great detail all that we discussed gave me an incredible sense of assurance and support. Knowing that you were in charge made me feel that everything was going to be the best it could be. Your bedside manner is superb and tremendously appreciated amidst such a difficult process.

Also, Ella, our coordinator, has been fantastic throughout this process. It is very clear that she cares enormously for her patients. Ella always responded immediately, keeping me posted on every development. I deeply valued her assistance and am very appreciative for all her caring help. The embryologists did an exceptional job and our profuse thanks go to all of them.

Dr. Kushnir, I would have loved to have seen you to give you a big thank you hug. With the amazing work from you and your team, my decision to go to CHR has been totally rewarded!

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all!!!


We are just thrilled!

We are just thrilled

Hi Maria, Hope you are well. One week ago, our little guy was born, 3 weeks early! He was born at 8:40 pm and was 5 lbs 5 oz. He is little, but in perfect health.

We are just thrilled! Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks again for everything! I would like to bring him there sometime soon, to meet you, Dr. Barad and everyone!

S. M.

This miracle will be 7 weeks old tomorrow

This miracle will be 7 weeks old tomorrow

Dear Dorota, My little boy was born right after the new year, weighing almost 9 pounds and just under 20 inches long. He is beautiful, very alert and curious to find out more about the world he lives in now.

Thank you and the whole team at CHR, especially Dr. Gleicher and Dr. Kushnir, so much for making my dream come true. I will never forget the moment when I first heard his heartbeat on the ultrasound, it was a miracle for me and this miracle will be 7 weeks old tomorrow.

I cannot describe how grateful I am, than you all again so much, you made this possible and I am very, every happy! Best,

C. S.

We knew we were in the right hands at CHR

We knew we were in the right hands at CHR

What led me to CHR? I am a forty year old woman with POA. As a patient of another IVF center in the region, I was given less than 2% chance of pregnancy with my own eggs. Following a spontaneous conception that resulted in miscarriage, I had two cycles at the same IVF center fail due primarily to its questionable practice of culturing to day-5 and PGS. (I am the subject of CHR UPDATE 11/11 entitled “a second round in misapplying PGS.) Ultimately, I was denied further treatment. Full of angst and despair, we turned to CHR. We knew we were in the right hands when during our initial consultation just eleven months ago, Dr. Gleicher gave us at least a 25% pregnancy chance.

Nine months of pregnancy have come and gone and we still cannot believe the miracle before our eyes. Everytime we gaze into our daughter’s eyes, we recall with great fondness the excellence that is CHR. Mere words cannot describe the depth of our immense gratitude to Dr. Gleicher, Dr. Barad, Maria, Dorota and all the medical staff at CHR for our healthy baby girl, born September 27, 2012. We have the utmost respect and admiration not only for the brilliant clinical care and research you do but also for the thought-provoking knowledge you attempt to impart on those who care to listen and dare to believe. Thank you for helping us realize our once hopeless dream of having a baby of our own.

C.P. in New Jersey

CHR did everything right to help me to conceive!

CHR did everything right to help me to conceive

Hi Huina/Dorota, I delivered my two boys! They were delivered a little over 36 weeks. Now we are all doing well. I have to feed them every 3 hours, I wish I could have a little more sleep, but my family is thrilled to have these two bundles of joy!

I had previously failed pregnancy due to hypertension and preeclampsia. I was also considered high risk due to my age, and was told that it is impossible to have twins. I truly believe miracle happened to me.

CHR did everything right to help me to conceive. Without the help from CHR, all these are simply impossible, I truly appreciate your help. Please pass my appreciation to Dr. Gleicher and Dr. Barad.

M. N. from New Hampshire

Thank you, because of CHR, I have my baby girl!

Thank you, because of CHR, I have my baby girl

Hello Dorota, Penelope was born on March 31, 2012.

I wanted to thank you for all your help & support throughout the early stages of my pregnancy. Dr. Barad and staff, especially you, made the IVF process pleasant.

Thank you so much, because of CHR, I have my baby girl!!!!

D. S. from New York City

Doctors, you are the rarest of individuals - both brilliant researchers and compassionate physicians.

Dear Dr. Gleicher and Dr. Barad, Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude to you, the nurses, embryologists and staff for giving us the gift of life. After two unsuccessful IVF cycles at a different facility, my confidence was waning. My husband and I initially contacted you to explore embryo donation, but when I spoke with you, you told me that you were confident that we could proceed with my own eggs. I believed it then, and as I started DHEA and the protocol I believed it more every day.

Through the entire process we were guided by the excellent instructions and educational materials. Perhaps more importantly, we felt the warmth, caring and support (and cheering on!) of everyone in the office. It was a wonderful day when I said goodbye to the staff and was "released" into OB care.

On November 21, 2010, at the age of 42, I gave birth to a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl. They are now healthy, perfect and wildly energetic 14-month-old toddlers. They are the light of our lives. We are forever grateful to CHR for these miracles.

Doctors, you are the rarest of individuals - both brilliant researchers and compassionate physicians. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

D. R. from New Jersey

We feel so complete

We feel so complete

I want to thank you and all of the coordinators for always taking care of me at CHR. Your support & Dr. Barad’s guidance has helped me bring into this world a beautiful baby girl who was born on December 10, 2013. She was 6lbs 1oz 19 1/2 inches long. We couldn’t be more happy & we feel so complete. Be well & thank you for the great care at CHR. Love,


He is already at home with us!

He is already at home with us

I am very happy to tell you that our son was born on September 26!

He is totally healthy and very strong. Born by c-section after 33+1 weeks, 2020 g, 45 cm. I had a pregnancy without any problems, I could work as usual until September 23. Then I got a preeclampsia and we could just wait until the 26th, and then did the c-section. He didn’t have any problems after birth and he is already at home with us.

I want to thank you again for helping us getting this wonderful baby! Please send my best regards to Dr. Gleicher! I am so grateful to all of you.

Best regards and all the best to you,


CHR really lives up to that motto

I’ve addressed this email to you, but I truly want to thank you as well as everyone at CHR — particularly Dr. Barad, Dorota, Dr. Kushnir, Dessi and all the ladies at the front desk and the phlebotomy department for their professionalism. CHR helped me to achieve my dream of becoming a mother.

This past December, I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy and bouncing baby boy. He is my miracle! After being advised by two facilities that my AMH was too low to conceive a baby with my own eggs, I came to CHR as a last resort. From the very beginning, I was impressed by the guiding principle of: “We fight for every egg." Having treated at CHR and most of all, having achieved success with my own eggs- albeit after some disappointments (two unsuccessful IVF cycles), I can vouch for the fact that CHR really lives up to that motto (principle). Dr. Barad and the staff never gave up on me. They worked with me until we found a winning protocol.

Once again, I thank you all. There are no words that can convey my joy, gratitude and appreciation.

With Eternal Gratitude,


Dr. Barad, YOU DID IT!!!

I don’t know where to start I don’t think I can truly express the feelings from my soul and heart I will anyways try a bit Hopefully, I’ll put in the words that really fit! From Dr. to Dr. one by one All over the place, this couple did run When finally we stepped foot through your door For once, we felt confident and secure We were proven right-all admit After 9 lonnngggggg years “Dr Barad” YOU DID IT!!! With your outstanding disposition and personality so kind With your intelligence, brilliance and keen mind With having the right words always said With the right advice we have always been fed You surely made this stressful infertility journey for us a pleasure Our appreciation to you is beyond measure Dear Dr. I have too much praise I can never stop, just write for days So, I’ll end right here, short and sweet Having such a Dr. like you is an absolute treat!!! May you continue with your most worthy and honorable work, listening to peoples screams Helping them fulfill their most wanted dreams No better deed is done Than bringing new lives on this world one by one Wishing you, with blessing loads and loads May all your desires be fulfilled as life unfolds!!

J.R. and B.R. from New York

Hello from Australia!

Well, we have great news! Our daughter was born on Tuesday, at 4:26pm, weighing 2.725 kg and measuring 46.5 cm long. All went well and we are all feeling fine. I was blessed with an in uneventful pregnancy, and she was delivered via Cesarean section at 39 weeks.

We feel so lucky and are still pinching ourselves that she is finally here.

Thank you all at CHR for making this a reality for us, and supporting us so that our dream has come true.

E. D. from Australia

You made our dreams come true

You made our dreams come true

Dear CHR staff: It is hard to find the words to thank the people that made our dreams come true. 4 years after challenges, your facility found the root of the issue and brought us our sweet twins. A & J.

We are forever grateful and will serve as an incredible referral to CHR.

B & A from New Jersey

Thank you for giving me hope, and my son!

Thank you for giving me hope, and my son

Dear Dr. Gleicher, Thank you for taking me on as a patient when other doctors told me my dream of being a mother was impossible. I also want to thank you for the miracle of my son. I know that God led me to you and your excellent staff at a time when I had very little hope, after every other doctor discouraged me. There really are no adequate words to express my gratitude to you, and Dorota, who was so caring.

O. C. from Michigan

Best in NYC with Progressive Insights!

Keep up the great work. I'm 44 years old and intended to see you before year's end (for insurance purposes). My first visit would have been in September. I'd done enough research to like you guys. Years ago I thought that CHR had a gimmick, DHEA, to distinguish itself from other fertility clinics to attract patients. I found not enough info at the time to verify DHEA met up to CHR's claims.

In fact, one doctor posted that if anything, one should take pregnenolone so the body can determine which hormones it converts into. I got nervous and stopped taking DHEA which I'd taken for five weeks. I took pregnenolone for about 6 weeks and stopped as it seemed to make my cycle worse.

Anyway, on Feb 26 and March 25, 2010, CHR emailed me regarding spontaneous conception of a 46-year-old woman. Finally in early April, I reopened the bottle and started taking 50 mg DHEA per day. In early July 2010, I felt the cycle was excellent as the DHEA caused an abundance of cervical mucus. July 1, 2010 I conceived!

There's no doubt it is directly related to CHR's progressive insights. Because CHR, out of the fertility clinics within NYC, appeared to be the only one which promotes DHEA supplementation, it is the only one worth going to. Who knows I still may be in to see you though hopefully not. You and you alone in NYC are the best!!


Highly recommended by me!

Dear Dr. Barad, How do you thank the people who gave you a miracle? Words cannot express the thanks I feel for you helping us to achieve my dream of becoming a mother. Our baby, Madison Alexis, was born January 2, 2009. She is perfect and we owe it all to you. Thank you for always taking the time to answer my emails. Your calm but confident ways were very comforting & reassuring to me. I felt that I was receiving the best possible care with you as my doctor. You came highly recommended to me, and will be highly recommended by me. I appreciate your sensitivity to all of my needs it was a great experience to deal with doctors and staff who are kind, helpful, knowledgeable and professional. Additionally, it was nice to deal with people who knew who I was each time I came into the office. You are a very special group of people whom we’ll never forget.

With all of our thanks, and much love.

Kathy & Madison

Miracle at age 41

Miracle at age 41

I have a history of PCOS, endometriosis and high FSH that goes back to my teens. Four top infertility clinics told me I'd never have a baby without using a donor egg. However it was important to my husband and me that we do all we could to conceive a child that was part of both of us. That’s when we discovered CHR and met Drs. Gleicher and Barad. They started me on DHEA, and initially I had two failed IVF sessions because I was still unable to produce a viable egg. Then five months after starting DHEA, I was not feeling well and visited Dr. Barad who performed a sonogram to investigate. He discovered the cause of my "sickness" was that I was pregnant! Somehow I'd spontaneously conceived. He and the nurses were stunned , and my husband and I were overwhelmed with joy. Lucas was born the day before my 41st birthday. He is 10 months old now and I love being a Mom. The team at CHR was amazing! The doctors, nurses and assistants, were caring, encouraging, and supportive. They are truly special people and helped us bring a miracle into our lives.

Melissa and Richard, and new son, Lucas.

Thanks for not giving up on me!

I just want to say thank you to Dr.Gleicher. We had a consultation over the phone and you prescribed DHEA, which I took for 4 months. I did an IVF procedure and gave birth to a healthy 9lb. 8oz. boy on Feb. 2, 2009. When every single infertility specialist in Georgia had given up on me, you gave me hope and a cure. Thanks a lot!


Very fortunate to be pregnant

Thank you for all your help. We feel very fortunate to be pregnant and owe it to your wonderful professionalism and expertise at CHR. We have always felt supported by you and you never gave up hope. We appreciate all that you have done for us.

Stephanie, Ross and Sophie

There is always hope

Before we came to Doctor Gleicher's CHR center in New York, we tried to do IVF cycles with different clinics and doctors, everything unsuccessfully. When we came to Dr. Gleicher (recommended by one of our friends), we had not much of a hope left. I'm not very good in writing letters or essays, but all I can say now that on February 15, our son Robert Michael was born.

Doctors and staff of the clinic did everything they could to help us to get through the cycle, nurses were there when we need it (even to ask a stupid questions) day or night. We had called at 3 AM and Jody called us back in about 5 minutes. All I can say - with Dr. Gleicher there is always a hope, and he will do much more than humanly possible to get your dream to reality.

We will be more than happy to share our experience with everybody who would be interested in. Thank you very much, DOCTOR!!!!

Nelya, Levin and David

Update on our twins

Dr. Gleicher and CHR helped my husband and I conceive twins with PGD about 3 1/2 years ago (working with Dr. Mark Hughes) I just wanted to send a note and tell you how grateful we are for the work you and the rest of the clinic and lab are doing. Allison and Rachel are very happy, healthy, bright, beautiful two-year olds and we could not imagine our lives without them.

Earlier this year my husband was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease. While his diagnosis is a very difficult thing for our family, I can not put into words how grateful I am that I do not have to worry about my daughters having this devastating disease. I also know that as my husband faces his own illness he does not have to suffer with the guilt of passing it onto his children. And what a blessing for them to not have to grow up in fear.

I sat in a support group meeting on Monday and listened to a woman say that she just started to notice symptoms in her nine-year old son. It made me think how very lucky I am and how grateful I am for your work.

Please share this note with anyone at the clinic you think appropriate.


Celebrating our first family Christmas

Dear Dr. Gleicher, Dr. Barad and staff, My husband and I came to you for a consultation. After one unsuccessful attempt, you advised me to go for surgery. After the surgery, we started another IVF cycle. On August 28th, I became pregnant with my beautiful little boy who was born on May 13 . He is now 7 1/2 months old and we just celebrated our first Christmas together as a family. We are so happy that we are considering to add to our family, with your help, of course.

Thank you for being professional, caring and wonderful people. From our family to you all, have a happy and healthy New Year.


The miracle of life

In August, I began my first cycle of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr. Gleicher and I were very optimistic that I would become pregnant. I had done my homework and learned that most women who were able to become pregnant did so within the first year of treatment. I was disappointed that the first transfer did not result in a positive pregnancy and decided to start a second treatment immediately after. This transfer was unsuccessful as well. By this point, my optimism had faded. I decided that being pregnant and having a baby was not in my hands, but in God’s. Worrying was not going to get me anywhere.

Although the second transfer had not resulted in a positive pregnancy, Dr. Gleicher still remained optimistic. His optimism is what kept me going. I realized I had the best fertility specialist in Chicago, as he had been featured in Chicago magazine and had appeared on the evening news.

A couple of months after the second transfer, I decided to try again. By this time, it was April. In comparison to the first retrieval, most of the embryos did not survive and only one was transferred. Since the other transfers were two embryos and they had not survived, I was sure this one would not. To my surprise, but certainly not Dr. Gleicher’s, Miracle survived and is now 10 months old.

I am proud to tell people about my experience trying to conceive and about how I had one of the best doctors in the field as my physician.

Valerie Britts, Miracle’s Mother

Adopting a new future

CHR patient, J.G., came to CHR-NY. She was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (POF), which means she went into early menopause.

Therefore, we suggested the option of "Embryo Adoption" , which means that the woman receives frozen embryos, donated by another couple. This is much less costly than egg donation because neither the donating couple nor CHR charges for the embryos. They accepted our recommendation and we matched them with a donor couple. A few weeks thereafter, we transferred embryos.

In January, a healthy baby girl was delivered. Congratulations!

The latest addition to the family

S.W. and her husband approached CHR. They were the proud parents of two girls, both conceived through prior infertility treatment at another infertility center. After their second child was born, they had decided that their family was complete. Shortly before coming to CHR, they became aware, through the media, that there was a reliable technique available to choose gender.

In a first consultation at CHR, we explained to them that we, indeed, offered gender selection to some couples, in selected cases, utilizing Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). This technique allows us to determine the sex of each embryo created through the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Once we know the gender of an embryo, we simply put only embryos of the desired gender into the uterus. Any subsequent pregnancy will then, of course, be of the desired sex.

CHR performs gender selection, however, only in accordance with ethics guidelines published by The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). These guidelines suggest that gender selection by PGD should not be performed, if it requires that IVF and PGD be done exclusively for that purpose. In other words, if there is another clinical reason to perform IVF, the procedure can be added, especially if performed for family balancing purposes.

In this case, all the conditions were met: The couple had two girls, now wanted a boy, and the female required IVF in order to conceive. The availability of a reliable method of gender selection changed this couple’s mind about the possibility of another pregnancy. Now that they could be fairly certain that a third pregnancy would, indeed, yield a boy, they decided to try and enlarge their family one more time.

We are very pleased to report that they succeeded. In February, a healthy boy was delivered.

A donor's gift

Ann, a 43 year old with primary infertility, came to CHR after seeking infertility treatment in another state. Initially, Ann began an IVF cycle. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful in two IVF attempts using her own eggs. Ann then decided to go through IVF with donor eggs. Her first attempt was unsuccessful, as was a first frozen embryo transfer (FET). Her second FET was successful, but ended in an early miscarriage. Ann then underwent a second donor IVF cycle at CHR, and we are happy to report that she did become pregnant.

Success times two

Eva, 35 years old, had been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (POF) after undergoing five hormone cycles and three IVF cycles. After a third unsuccessful IVF using her own eggs, Eva turned to IVF with donor eggs. Two such attempts were also unsuccessful. Disappointed and frustrated, Lee and Eva looked toward adoption. At that point, the only thing that mattered to them was having a child to love. On a whim, Eva inquired about CHR's Embryo Adoption Program, a program that would allow Eva to experience pregnancy and childbirth. Lee and Eva decided to try the program, and with it they achieved success. Today, Lee and Eva are the proud parents of twins. The couple is now considering coming back to CHR to adopt more embryos and give their twins a sibling (or two?).

Patient Reviews

I would recommend CHR to a friend basically because they seem to have a wealth of experience and success ratings not forgetting that they do extensive research continuously (even though i am yet to complete my cycle treatment with them, i have faith in them.



B.M. from New York

I would recommend chr to a friend because i felt I was in good hands and my doctor was very professional. He listened to me and explained everything he was going to do to me. He also assured me he will do everything he could to help me achieve a successful pregnancy . He was easy to talk to and that made me calm and relaxed. The staff were super nice and welcoming and by my second visit, the receptionist knew my name without asking. I would definitely be coming back for my next pregnancy.

J.D. from New York

The customer care is warm and relaxing. They are very thorough. I am very comfortable with my doctor.

K.R. from New York

I spoke with Dr. Barad who was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. He provided exactly the information I was looking for and even followed up by emailing me his notes from our meeting. I was impressed at the time. I spoke with another well-known RE from another clinic and he put very little effort into the 2nd opinion. And so I now appreciate even more my consultation with Dr. Barad. I also have found CHR’s website extremely informative and helpful. The frozen egg donor program is a common sense innovation. I appreciate the transparency, communication, friendliness, and of course expertise. Thanks again for all you do!

C.I. from Washington

I have been very satisfied with my experience to date and am very impressed with Dr. Gleicher's research and studies regarding DHEA and infertility.

K.E. from New York

I received great care from my physician and supporting personnel. I wish I did not have OHSS... But at the end it does not matter because IVF treatment was successful!

N.S. from New York

The staff is so wonderful- kind & supportive. The nurse coordinator, Magda, is prompt and through. The drs know they stuff. I have had a great experience over all- plus they will work with me as long as I am emotionally prepared to do multiple ivfs. Every level of staff is kind and professional. they greet me by name when I come, the coffee & bagels are a nice treat.

L.T. from New York

Heard chr is very good at what they do and I haven't been disappointed so far.

J.E. from New York

I would strongly recommend CHR to a friend because Dr. Gleicher is much more progressive and research oriented than others. I'm from Seattle and the doctors here continued to recommend IVF and egg donor but did not look into the reason I was having miscarriages and not achieving a successful outcome. Dr. Gleicher discovered exactly why I was having miscarriages and treated it accordingly with success! I'm a 43 year old woman who now is pregnant with my own eggs so I consider this an amazingly successful outcome! I would strongly recommend his clinic to anyone. Nurses Huina and Dorota have been amazing with their services. They were so prompt at getting back to me and despite being far away I felt comfortable with the level of contact and communication I received from them. Everyone from the billing, the front desk, the MD's, the anaesthesiologist and the lab personnel provided exemplary care.

C.S. from Washington

You're the most reputable firm I’ve found that does gender selection; I wish you weren't in NY, the trip from La Guardia or JFK always has problems with either traffic or a terrible taxi driver!

L.P. from Florida

CHR seems as if they are committed to helping to create a healthy child with all the genetic testing that is done. It was comforting to hear the doctor say that I would be his patient until I've achieved a pregnancy. I only wish that there were more included in the first consultation cost. No ultrasound or anything was done.

M.A. from South Carolina

All the reviews and my personal experience with CHR has been positive thus far.

S.C. from New York

im extremely satisfied with the knowledge and care i get at chr..I surely feel secure and hopeful by every visit..I'd definitely recommend my friend, if in my situation or any other infertility situation..Thanks to my wonderful dr Barad and the entire chr staff..

R.B. from New York

I think the Drs.@ CHR are trying to do something new in the reproductive medicine and therefore I came here. I like the fact the research is the baseline for infertility treatment here.

M.S. from New Jersey

I like the doctors and other employees at CHR and I feel like they do everything they can to help me.

S.R. from New York

So far, I’ve had a wonderful experience with everyone at CHR and I would strongly recommend the clinic to any of my friends. The level of professionalism and care is outstanding. I never felt like a stranger every time i visited the clinic and the doctors and nurses are very compassionate.

F.S.B. from Virginia

I love the fact the doctors have a good knowledge of pre-mature ovarian failure.


The doctors are so caring and I know I am receiving personalized treatment, rather than the usual IVF centers that treat hundreds of patients a day... like fast food IVF.

M.J. from New Jersey

I would highly recommend CHR to a friend. The staff and doctors at the center are very professional and compassionate. They know they are our last resort and we are depending on them to make our dreams come true (as best they can).

L.S. from the Caribbean

CHR is the only clinic I have been able to find that is doing any research on POF. Most clinics write off patients with this condition.

O.B.S. from Georgia

Better services for those women who struggle with unexplained infertility and for women who have low ovarian reserve, etc. A center that dedicates it's services for women and couples who have experienced the agony of infertility and for those who have lost every last bit of hope.

A.B.F. fromTexas

I really appreciate the individualized patient approach and the faith and hope the doctors provide during this very challenging experience. Drs. Barad and Gleicher have been doing this for decades, and they really know their science! The clinic staff are also very friendly and supportive.

M.B.M. from New York

Great technical/medical expertise and very prompt, kind customer/patient care.

L.P. from Washington

i have faith in this clinic. I have read how the doctors have helped other patients. I really believe this clinic is the answer to my prayers.

N.T.Z. from South Africa

I would recommend because I believe that CHR has the knowledge, experience and ability to be successful in getting pregnant when other places are not willing (depending on the condition of the patient) nor have the expertise.


I would recommend CHR without hesitation. The level of expertise and compassion shown to me and my husband has been amazing. Further, Dr. Barad is the first doctor who gave us hope for IVF despite my FSH level. His protocol is already working and I am stimming very well. On the protocol that my clinic was using I was not stimming at all and was told to consider donor eggs or adoption without exploring other protocols that may be better suited for me. This experience with Dr. Barad has given me hope again.


CHR gives hope and focuses on giving the answers and producing results. Money is important but it is not more important than sincere care.

A.A. from Washington DC

CHR has both the expertise and compassion that is essential when going through the difficult process of trying to conceive by ivf over 40. Everyone at CHR is courteous, professional and prompt when dealing with questions and issues. I have been very impressed with the care I have received while a patient at CHR.


I got a better understanding of what is the cause of my infertility in 45 minutes during my initial consultation than I did in my year and half of treatments with another doctor. After several failed inseminations I was given no further options but egg donation or adoption. I was given one more option with the DHEA treatment and currently waiting to see the outcome. I feel like I have some clarity to the challenges we have experienced and feel confident regardless of this outcome I have been given all possible options available to me before we move on to deciding on egg donation or adoption.

J.P. from New York

I would recommend CHR because Dr Kushnir is the 3rd fertility doctor I have seen in the past 3.5 years and he is the only one that gave me hope, despite diagnosing me the same as the others (POF), he at least gave me options aside from egg donor. Dr Kushnir made it very clear that egg donor is the suggested route I take but at least he gave me other options.

B.V. from New York


Norbert Gleicher, MD

Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS

Norbert Gleicher, MD, leads CHR’s clinical and research efforts as Medical Director and Chief Scientist. A world-renowned specialist in reproductive endocrinology, Dr. Gleicher has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and lectured globally while keeping an active clinical career focused on ovarian aging, immunological issues and other difficult cases of infertility.

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Center for Human Reproduction
21 E 69th Street
Upper East Side

New York, NY 10021
Phone: 626-385-7918
Fax: 212-994-4499

Office Hours

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