Helping Your Partner Through the Process of IVF

Helping Your Partner Through the Process of IVF

Infertility can be a roller coaster of emotions. From trips to fertility clinics to fertility treatments, there’s never a shortage of things that can play with your mind and emotions as you make your way toward a positive pregnancy test. Research has even stated that infertility can lead to depression at the same rate that a cancer diagnosis would. 

If you and your partner recently decided to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF), it’s important that you know how to be there for each other during the entire process since anxiety and depression rates are high for those who go through it. 

Because journeys through infertility and fertility treatments can be so taxing, you and your partner need to have a strong relationship. In fact, studies show that a positive, supporting relationship with their partner is the No. 1 indicator of pre-baby emotional stability.

At the Center for Human Reproduction, Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, and the rest of our expert and compassionate team understand what a difficult and emotional journey IVF can be. Here’s how to be there for your partner during the whole process.

Communicate regularly

It’s important not to isolate yourself from your partner during this difficult journey. Make time to check in with each other regularly and see how the other person is doing. Try to communicate respectfully and clearly. If you feel like your partner isn’t there for you, give specific reasons why you feel that way and give examples of how you’d like that situation to change.

In addition, check up to see how the other person is doing emotionally. It can sometimes be easy to not talk about emotions, but processing your infertility journey by talking about it with your partner can be extremely beneficial.

Make goals together

Decide together from the beginning of your IVF journey what your long-term goals are. You’ll need to decide how much money you’ll want to spend, if you want to freeze embryos for future use, and if you want to do any genetic testing. 

If you’re both on the same page when it comes to these types of big-picture things, it may make the process emotionally easier for both of you.

Confide in close friends

While it’s of the utmost importance to confide in your partner, it’s almost just as important to have a close group of friends who you can talk to outside of your relationship. This will help to take some of the pressure off of each of you as you rely on one or two others to support you emotionally during your IVF journey.

Accept that you process things in different ways

Everyone is different, which means that everyone is going to experience circumstances and emotions in different ways. If your partner isn’t reacting to news or situations like you feel they should, try to give them some space to process things in a way that maybe you wouldn’t. 

There is no right or wrong way to cope with a tough situation. If your partner isn’t processing the way you do, it doesn’t mean you’re not in it together. Try to ask questions and be understanding and non-judgmental. Do your best to give them a safe space to process their emotions.

In short, one of the best things you can do as you walk with your partner through IVF is to be there for them. Be available for whatever they need emotionally, mentally, or physically. 

If you’d like more information on how to be a supportive partner throughout your IVF journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at our office located in New York, New York. Just give us a call at 626-385-7918 or schedule an appointment online with us today.

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