Read The Latest Voice

Affordable Egg Freezing  Promo: Do you want to put off having children for a few years, but you’re worried about not having e

Affordable Egg Freezing

Do you want to put off having children for a few years, but you’re worried about not having enough quality eggs? Find out how you can be in total control of your fertility through the empowering process known as egg freezing. 
Jul 16th, 2024
Make These Diet Changes to Improve Your Fertility

Make These Diet Changes to Improve Your Fertility

While infertility can’t always be avoided, there are ways you and your partner can boost your chances of getting pregnant. Eating a healthy diet is one of them. Take a moment to learn what a fertility diet includes and excludes.
May 2nd, 2024
IVF after 40 years old

Trying To Get Pregnant After 40 Years Old

For women trying to get pregnant after 40, CHR believes in an urgent and individualized treatment approach. Time is a very important factor with DOR, and the sooner treatment can be started, the higher a woman's pregnancy chances.
Apr 11th, 2024
Am I a Candidate for Egg Donation?

Am I a Candidate for Egg Donation?

Egg donation is a beneficial treatment that can assist women who can’t conceive with their eggs. Find out what goes into the egg donation process here.
Apr 2nd, 2024

The March/April Voice

Every issue of the VOICE slowly drifts towards more professional subjects, peaking with the literature review, which, primarily addresses physicians and scientists.
Mar 6th, 2024
IVF in Alabama - What To Do Next?

IVF in Alabama - What To Do Next?

CHR offers the safe transfer of existing frozen embryos into our facility, ensuring continuity of care for patients affected by the suspension of IVF services in Alabama.
Feb 22nd, 2024

Should I Get an AMH Test?

Testing your anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels can provide a lot of information about your ovarian reserve. Find out if you’d be a good candidate for an AMH test here.
Jan 12th, 2024

November/December Voice 2023

We welcome all of you to the November issue of The VOICE which, going forward will offer several changes in content, format, and presentation.
Dec 12th, 2023

Lesser-Known Causes of Infertility

If you and your partner have been struggling with infertility, you may be wondering what could possibly be causing it. We discuss the causes of infertility here, including some you might not be familiar with.
Dec 8th, 2023
What You Can Learn from Semen Analysis

What You Can Learn from Semen Analysis

One of the first steps you take in getting to the bottom of male infertility is undergoing a semen analysis. Let’s look at what this fertility testing can tell you.
Nov 7th, 2023

The October Voice

We want to thank the unusually large number of readers who commented on our September issue in writing to us. Of course, we welcome any kind of response, however short it may be.
Oct 10th, 2023
4 Medications for Ovarian Stimulation

4 Medications for Ovarian Stimulation

If you’re struggling with infertility due to issues with ovulation, you’re not alone. Many women face this incredibly widespread problem. Thankfully, certain medications can help.
Oct 10th, 2023

The September Voice 2023

After our annual summer break during July and August, we welcome you reenergized and ready to rock’n’roll with our September issue into the new academic year 2023/2024.
Sep 9th, 2023
LGBTQ+ Family Planning: 5 Options for Having a Baby

LGBTQ+ Family Planning: 5 Options for Having a Baby

LGBTQ+ family planning may require a special approach. Thankfully, there are enough options available that there’s sure to be one right for you and your family. Here are five options we offer for LGBTQ+ individuals to expand their family.
Sep 1st, 2023

The CHR June Voice

We are pleased to publish our June Voice, The CHR VOICE. This is the last issue for the 2022/2023 academic year before we take a publication break during July and August (unless really something very important is happening).
Jun 20th, 2023
Helping Your Partner Through the Process of IVF

Helping Your Partner Through the Process of IVF

IVF can be a very difficult journey, and it may be tricky to know how to support your partner through it all. We offer some ways you can be there for each other every step of the way.
Jun 7th, 2023

The May Voice

As always, we are delighted to welcome all of our readers to a new issue of The CHR VOICE. Our May issue is again made up of a compendium of articles that will hopefully satisfy the broad spectrum of our readership, made up of current and past CHR patients
May 3rd, 2023

The April Voice

We very enthusiastically welcome you to the April issue of The CHR VOICE because, over the last month, we had the opportunity to put together our most expansive issue so far (44 pages).
Apr 3rd, 2023
March Voice from the Center for Human Reproduction


We welcome all of our readers to the March issue of The CHR VOICE, which, as usual, in the new and expanded format offers a broad potpourri of articles for patients and laypeople as well as professional physicians and scientists working in reproductive med
Mar 1st, 2023
the voice feb 2023

The Voice February 2023

We are very pleased to offer the February 2023 issue of THE CHR VOICE and want to take the opportunity of this introduction to direct the attention of our readers...
Feb 3rd, 2023

The Voice January 2023

With this January issue, we are very pleased for the year 2023 to welcome back to TheVOICE; the monthly newsletter of the CHR,-you, our reader.
Jan 9th, 2023
The Voice December 2022

The Voice December 2022

With the year 2002 is almost behind us, it is easy to conclude that it on many different levels was an unusually tumultuous year.
Dec 2nd, 2022
November Voice

The Voice November 2022

The CHR is delighted to offer the VOICE's November issue to our readers, as always attempting to present material for our very diverse readership.
Nov 1st, 2022
The Voice September 2022

The Voice September 2022

The CHR is known as a “fertility center of last resort,” primarily serving patients who have previously failed treatments elsewhere.
Sep 1st, 2022
The Voice June 2022

The Voice June 2022

We are pleased to present here the June issue of the CHR VOICE, after which we traditionally start a two-month summer hiatus for this newsletter, returning to our regular monthly publication schedule with the start of the new 2022-2023...
Jun 15th, 2022
The Voice May 2022

The Voice May 2022

April was a hectic month at the CHR because the deadline period for abstract submission to the Annual Meeting of the ASRM is always hectic.
May 25th, 2022
The Voice April 2022

The Voice April 2022

March was an unusually busy month at the CHR and not only clinically. CHR’s investigators saw several important papers published, with one in NATURE Medicine, in detail presented in the March issue of the VOICE, receiving unusual media attention
Apr 28th, 2022
the voice march 2022

The Voice March 2022

With Spring per schedule knocking on the door, the mood in the world feels anything but spring-like. The deadly and cruel Russian war machine is already for weeks invading the independent country of Ukraine.
Mar 21st, 2022
The Voice February 2022

The Voice February 2022

In the shortest and traditionally coldest month of the year, we welcome you to the February issue of our monthly newsletter. Hopefully, history will show that we reached a point in the Covid-19 pandemic with more hope than at any time slot before.
Feb 23rd, 2022

The Voice December 2021

With the year 2021 coming to its end, most of us will agree that this was not a very good year to remember. We can only hope that 2022 will allow the world to return to more traditional living and working conditions, schooling, social interactions as well
Dec 28th, 2021

The Voice November 2021

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we here at the CHR for the second year in a row are missing out on the hectic last-minute preparations for our annual conference in New York City on reproductive biology and endocrinology, the CHR until 2019 co-hos
Nov 24th, 2021
The Voice October 2021

The Voice October 2021

We welcome our readers to the October issue of the VOICE, we hope again packed with interesting and relevant information for patients, colleagues, and any other party interested in reproductive sciences and clinical infertility. October is ...
Oct 15th, 2021

The Voice September 2021

We are pleased to welcome you to the first issue of the VOICE for the academic year 2021/2022. A new publishing team has taken over, and differences in style and content distribution will, therefore, become quickly apparent. Hopefully also very apparent...
Oct 6th, 2021

Unexplained Infertility Diagnosis: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Unexplained infertility (UI) is one of the most frequent infertility diagnoses given to women, encompassing up to approximately 30% of all cases. At CHR, we are not convinced that such a diagnosis actually exists; we believe that this is a misleading faux
Apr 11th, 2024
Endometriosis Infertility IVF

Endometriosis & Infertility

Even though endometriosis affects fertility, most patients can still conceive with IVF. CHR was the first to note the immune system's role in endometriosis - now a widely accepted idea.
Apr 11th, 2024

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Feb 20th, 2024
The latest news in Science: May 2021

The latest news in Science: May 2021

In this section we attempt to draw attention to science papers we perceive as potentially important for the basic understanding of reproductive biology and, therefore, may have translational relevance to ...
Aug 24th, 2021
What is new regarding COVID-19?

What is new regarding COVID-19?

Most of the COVID-19 news these days is positive: new infections in the U.S. and countries, like Israel, have been declining rapidly and, with its deaths from the disease.
Apr 27th, 2021
Ethical concerns with IVF practive: II

Ethical concerns with IVF practive: II

The appropriate role of profit incentives on medical practice has been, and will remain for some time to come, the central theme in every discussion of national health care, - whatever the system.
Apr 15th, 2021
Did you know? April 2021

Did you know? April 2021

Alarming news about declining sperm counts have recently made headlines in medical literature as well as lay media.
Apr 15th, 2021
Mild Ovarian Stimulation

Mild Ovarian Stimulation

Two prominent voices in the fertility field known as longstanding supporters of mild ovarian stimulation were at it once again (Nargund and Fauser, Reprod Biomed Online 2020;41:569-571) when publishing an editorial with ...
Mar 16th, 2021
More On COVID-19

More On COVID-19

Mar 16th, 2021
Breaking News in Science

Breaking News in Science

In a published letter (_Santoro et al Reprod Sciences 2021; https:/, a small group of prominent physicians, scientists, and ethicists in reproductive medicine urged ...
Mar 16th, 2021
Ethical concerns with contemporary IVF practice

Ethical concerns with contemporary IVF practice

It is 42 years from the birth of the first IVF offspring and the world is now already approaching 10 million IVF births. There are few, if any, new medical treatments that can point toward such enormous success.
Mar 16th, 2021
Did you know?

Did you know?

Access To Fertility Coverage Expanded By New York State For Same Sex Couples As Part Of 2021 Women’s Agenda And New York Child Parent Security Act (Cpsa) Went Into Effect
Mar 16th, 2021
The VOICE Digest: March 2021

The VOICE Digest: March 2021

In this issue, we continue to offer what we consider the most important news relating to the infertility field and/or reproductive biology in the preceding month.
Mar 16th, 2021
February Clinical Updates

February Clinical Updates

Important new observations about placental physiology, protecting offspring from viral infections
Feb 15th, 2021
Inquiries regarding male infertility

Inquiries regarding male infertility

For some time, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has in the literature been considered a risk factor for male infertility; but up to this point it was not very clear ...
Feb 15th, 2021
Does IVF increase ovarian cancer risks?

Does IVF increase ovarian cancer risks?

No question in IVF has been as thoroughly investigated as this question and the repeated answer has practically always been the same: there is no evidence that even large numbers of repeat IVF cycles increase cancer risks!
Feb 15th, 2021
February COVID-19 Updates

February COVID-19 Updates

That the World Health Organization (WHO) needs help, has been rather obvious for some time. Whether its disastrous performance at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was professional incompetence or ...
Feb 15th, 2021
February CHR VOICE Digest

February CHR VOICE Digest

Based on feedback from our readers, each month we will be highlighting what we consider the most important news for fertility patients and professionals working in the field.
Feb 15th, 2021
January 2021 COVID-19 Updates

January 2021 COVID-19 Updates

In December, *ASRM issued the first clinical recommendation from its COVID-19 Task Force which “did not recommend withholding the (anti-COVID-19) vaccine from patients who are planning to ...
Feb 1st, 2021
IVF and Society January 2021 Updates

IVF and Society January 2021 Updates

One could argue that a class-action lawsuit regarding preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) had to happen sooner or later.
Feb 1st, 2021
January CHR VOICE Digest

January CHR VOICE Digest

The VOICE is getting an upgrade! Based on feedback from our readers, each month we will be highlighting what we consider the most important news for fertility patients and professionals working in the field.
Feb 1st, 2021

EcoDEP (Frozen Donor Egg Program) Donor Listing

EcoDEP, CHR's frozen donor egg program that offers a lower-cost alternative to traditional (fresh) egg donor program, has a limited number of donor eggs immediately available to recipients.
Dec 21st, 2020
December CHR VOICE Digest

December CHR VOICE Digest

As we head into the holiday season many of us find ourselves, as we have for some time, ready for the year to end, hoping for a more normal 2021. But what a year 2020 has been!
Dec 15th, 2020
The SARS-CoV-2 Virus And Our Immune Response

The SARS-CoV-2 Virus And Our Immune Response

Here is for once a somewhat happy COVID-19 pandemic story. At already somewhat advanced age, I am still an actively practicing physician-scientist in New York City, since April regularly tested ...
Nov 17th, 2020
November CHR VOICE Digest

November CHR VOICE Digest

As we are finalizing this issue of The VOICE, the country has established a new president-elect who will be inaugurated in January.
Nov 17th, 2020
October CHR VOICE Digest

October CHR VOICE Digest

Since our September issue was completely dedicated to COVID-19, here is, for all practical purposes, our first regular issue of the VOICE in the 2020/2021 academic year, and what an academic year ...
Oct 16th, 2020
The Changing Practice of Assisted Reproduction

The Changing Practice of Assisted Reproduction

Mostly unnoticed and/or unmentioned by media, because of what has been happening in many countries to national health care systems (the U.S. included), brought on by the COVID-19 ...
Oct 16th, 2020
What to do after a failed IVF cycle?

What to do after a failed IVF cycle?

The chance of pregnancy in an IVF cycle, of course, depend on many factors. Two often related factors, however, dominate: female age and functional ovarian reserve.
Oct 16th, 2020