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Tubal Perfusion Pressure (TPP) and Endometriosis: Are They Linked?

Tubal Perfusion Pressure (TPP) and Endometriosis: Are They Linked?

In recent years, more research has been done on the function of fallopian tubes. While in years past, the fallopian tube has simply been thought of as a pipe where sperm and eggs meet and the passageway where the fertilized egg makes its way to the uterus, more recent studies – including ones done by our team – show there’s much more to the fallopian tubes than these functions.

Your fallopian tubes do a lot of heavy lifting for your fertility. If they’re compromised in any way, it can make it extremely difficult for you to get pregnant. That’s why at the Center for Human Reproduction located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City, New York, Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, and David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, and the rest of our team want you to know how the function of your fallopian tubes and endometriosis might be linked together and causing your infertility.

How the function of your fallopian tubes affects fertility 

Located at the end of your fallopian tubes, close to your ovaries, are parts called fimbriae. These are very delicate skin-folds that reach out and grab eggs from your ovaries and push them through. If these aren’t working properly, your fallopian tubes can no longer function as they should, making it difficult to get pregnant.

The most common thing that affects the function of fimbriae – and causes problems with fertility – is endometriosis.

What tubal perfusion pressure can tell us

Tubal perfusion pressure (TPP) is the measure of the function of the fallopian tubes, or the ability of your fallopian tubes to permit pregnancy. Studies have shown that those with elevated tubal pressure are much more likely to have tubal endometriosis than those with normal pressure.

At the Center for Human Reproduction, we conducted a study showing that women with high TPP levels are much more likely to struggle with infertility than those who had normal TPP levels.

How TPP and endometriosis are linked

Endometriosis occurs when tissue that’s very similar to uterine tissue grows outside your uterus. It most commonly grows in your ovaries, your pelvic cavity, and – of course –  your fallopian tubes. 

When you have high TPP, it can raise your risk of developing endometriosis which, in turn, can cause infertility. On the other hand, having endometriosis can also affect the function of your fallopian tubes, which can also inhibit your ability to get pregnant. 

At the Center for Human Reproduction, our physicians can measure your TPP and let you know what the function of your fallopian tubes looks like. If you have high TPP, we recommend using IVF to achieve pregnancy. 

To learn more about TPP measurements, contact our team for additional information. You can do this over the phone or online today.

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