Risk of Pregnancy in Your 40s, Fertility Self-Help and More: September 2018 CHR VOICE

Welcome back to the CHR VOICE for the fall semester of 2018. For the first time in a decade, the summer months, July and August, passed without us seeing a reason to break the VOICE’s scheduled hiatus during these two months. Here we now are, well rested and ready with a plethora of interesting information we have prepared for this issue, at least partially in response to requests and questions we received from our readers over the last two months.

Our lead article this month addresses the so-called implantation failure, which has remained a highly controversial issue in fertility practice and will in this issue be dissected by our writers with the usual directness and transparency this newsletter has become known for.

Helping older women conceive with use of own eggs, if still possible, has been a frequent topic in these pages because this is one area of infertility practice where CHR has excelled now for over a decade. We have in these pages also repeatedly addressed the subject of third-party egg donation, when one’s own eggs, simply, no longer can do it. In both instances, pregnancy creates significant stress on all body parts in women in their 40s and 50s, meaning that risk of pregnancy is higher for women in their 40s and 50s. In this issue of the VOICE we will, therefore, in detail address what this means in clinical practice for older women who still wish to conceive.

Santiago Munné, PhD, one of the leading proponents of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), now renamed preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), was once before subject of a commentary in these pages, when in his position of Scientific Director of the CooperGenomics corporation, he published a truly astonishing diatribe against an excellent and highly objective article in NEW YORK magazine by Stephen Hall (September-October 2017) that pointed out many of the weaknesses of PGS/PGT-A. Suffice it to say, related or not, Munné shortly after our detailed response in these pages, no longer was the Scientific Director at CooperGenocmics, but that does not prevent him from continuing to misrepresent facts. In his most recent diatribe, he not only spread again outright false information about PGS/PGT-A but, directly and personally, maligned CHR investigators who had disagreed with his representations. In this issue of the VOICE, you will read their response.

In addition, we will address why female age is the most important predictor of spontaneous as well as treatment-induced pregnancy chanceswhat you may (and may not) be able to do on your own in order to improve your fertility (so much information you daily are exposed to in the media is simply hogwash) and many more newsworthy items that have come up over the last two months.

Finally, we want to draw the attention of all of our readers to this year’s annual 2018 Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference (FRMC) on November 15 to 18 at the New York Marriott East Side hotel on Lexington Avenue and 49th Street, sponsored by the Foundation for Reproductive Medicine (FRM) and IVF Worldwide, and proudly co-sponsored by CHR. This Conference in a few short years has achieved almost mythical recognition for presenting information and speakers well ahead of other major conferences around the world. As in preceding years, the program is exceptional and unique, bringing to NYC a worldwide faculty of speakers who are driving progress in the field. This year’s Conference, however, for the first time, also makes additional use of such a unique faculty by offering on Sunday afternoon, November 18, a Clinical Fertility Day for the Public. In four hours, leading experts from all over the world will address the most important causes of infertility in concise and up-to-date presentations for the lay public. The afternoon then concludes with an expert panel answering questions from the audience. For registrations for the general Conference and the preceding four workshops, please visit http://frm2018.cme-congresses.com. To register for Clinical Fertility Day for the Public, please visit http://frm2018.cme-congresses.com/cfd/.

In this month's CHR VOICE:

You can also read the September 2018 VOICE in a PDF.

Norbert Gleicher, MD

Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS

Norbert Gleicher, MD, leads CHR’s clinical and research efforts as Medical Director and Chief Scientist. A world-renowned specialist in reproductive endocrinology, Dr. Gleicher has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and lectured globally while keeping an active clinical career focused on ovarian aging, immunological issues and other difficult cases of infertility.

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