Evaluating Your Fertility: When Should You Seek Out a Second Opinion?

It’s important to take charge of every aspect of your health — especially when you understand that not every doctor has the same approach to health issues. Becoming an advocate for every step of your health care journey may include getting a second opinion, which is common in the medical world. 

Research tells us that getting a second medical opinion is almost always a good idea, no matter what the issue may be. One study showed that 21% of people who sought a second opinion received a completely new diagnosis and 66% received further clarification or re-explanation of their current diagnosis. Plus, different providers might offer alternative treatment methods that you aren’t aware of.

So, a second opinion is vital when needing to make an informed medical decision.

At the Center for Human Reproduction located in the Upper East Side of New York City, New York, our team led by infertility specialists Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, and David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, offers second opinions on infertility and fertility treatments.

Let’s look at why getting second opinions on infertility is so important and what sets us apart from other infertility specialists.

When is a second opinion necessary?

While you certainly don’t have to seek a second opinion, here are some common reasons why people tend to get another doctor’s perspective:

When it comes to the world of infertility diagnoses and treatments, we recommend that you consult with our expert team of infertility specialists — especially if you’ve been a recipient of any of the following specific issues:

If you’re just getting started on your fertility journey, don’t hesitate to gather several medical opinions to make sure you have what you need to make informed decisions.

Why we recommend getting a second opinion with our team

Our Center for Human Reproduction practice has a notoriously high pregnancy success rate. Because of that, people from all over the world seek our medical opinion and expertise. 

We always strive to understand each patient’s individual needs and concerns, treating each person with the utmost care. One of the best things about reaching out to us for a second opinion is that you can get one without needing to visit our office.

For our online second opinion program, we aim for the following:

No matter your reason for wanting a second opinion, we hope you turn to us. We can offer you clarity and peace of mind about your diagnosis along with your current or future treatment plans. 

For more information about our online second opinion program, call our office at 626-385-7918 or schedule an appointment online.

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